Wednesday, March 6, 2019

When Life’s Questions Go Answered

Today we celebrate the birthday of our youngest daughter. She’s brought endless amounts of joy and laughter to our family, since the day she was adopted in December 2004. I would venture to guess that for many adopted children and their families, birthdays can be difficult. On a day when the rest of the world celebrates the glorious entrance of a life, created by God Almighty, for adoptees, there also come waves of sadness and grief that work themselves into the day.
        It’s unanswered questions like these that make birthdays especially difficult:

1.       Why did she (birthmother) leave me?
2.       Does she love me?
3.       Is she still alive?
4.       Will she go to heaven?
5.       Do you think she’s looking for me?
6.       Do you think I’ll ever find her?
7.       What does she look like?
8.       Do you think I look like her?
9.       Do I have biological brothers and sisters?
10.   Where’s my birth dad?


So, when my daughter asks these questions, how do I respond? How do you respond when you face questions yourself, that most likely will never have answers this side of heaven?
Of this I am certain:
1.       God loves her. John 3:16
2.       God has a plan for her. Jeremiah 29:11
3.       When she’s afraid, she can come to Him and trust Him. Psalm 56:3
4.       When she is anxious, she can give it to the Lord because He cares for her. 1 Peter 5:7

If you’ve also struggled with questions that don’t have answers, you can be sure of these same things. Our frail, human state drives us to our knees and to the foot of the Cross, seeking comfort only He can give.